04/29/2011: WAGA-ATL (FOX)
Good Day Atlanta 9:00amNews - News
... >>> easter has passed, which means it's officially spring planting season! and the quickest way to make your garden and patio look like spring is to plant annuals. jeff is outside on our weather deck with the folks from pike nurseries with more. jeff, i'm really paying attention. i want to spruce up my front porch there. >> you better start taking notes. yes, you should. it is past easter and it's planning season. chris, thanks for joining us from pike's nursery. annuals, the things we have to plant annually. the things that don't last all year long. >> that's right. they're not coming back. >> tell us about what you have here and what we have to do and all the particulars. >> well, there's really no better bang for the buck than annuals. they bring the color in quickly and easily. they flower all summer long and give you a lot of visual interest. >> and some require lots of sun. some would prefer shade. >> that's right. there's varieties that will suit any location. the full sun are like the lantana. this is the sweet potato vine. marigolds do well. >> does this flower at all? >> doesn't flower. it is grown for foliage. there's purple, a multicolor. there's the geranium. takes a lot of heat. does well here. >> and this is what? like partial sun? >> this is part sun. i like this one. i planted these in some hangings i have. >> great for the balcony? >> yeah. spills over and hangs. sometimes called million bells. >> that's your spiller. >> that's right. >> when you're doing the thriller and filler. >> that's right. i have the filler/spiller. and this is a black petunia. it's called black velvet. a new variety. the only black petunia available. >> and they are good in shade? >> they are. begonias and impatiens. >> and does all this stuff do well in a pot? >> it will. you can plant any annuals in a pot. if you're in a pot, use a good potting soil that will hold water. >> and what if you're going to put it in the ground? >> you want to use a good vegetable and garden soil. turn that in. >> fantastic. >> they're good as bedding plants. >> and this stuff will last through the summer? >> lasts through the summer. most of them, when the first frost comes, they'll be done. you know, people typically will ...